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Feedback About The New Health Insurance Solution
“In his latest book, “The New Health Insurance Solution,” published in September by John Wiley & Sons, Pilzer argues (not surprisingly) that most Americans—at least, those without pre-existing conditions—can save money by choosing individual policies over those offered by their employers.” Newsweek, October 4, 2005
“Individual insurance is by and large the way to go for most people, but most people are clueless about how to buy individual insurance, The big change is that this year a company can give you an allowance and say ‘Go buy your own [individual insurance], tax-free, and I’ll reimburse you for it.'” Paul Zane Pilzer, CNN Live!, October 8, 2005
“The real question for those considering an HSA is: ‘Do I want a high-deductible health insurance plan?’ says Paul Zane Pilzer, co-founder of Extend Benefits, a health-care services provider in Salt Lake City.” The Wall St. Journal, Page 2, September 25, 2005
“Some employers, for example, are charging extra to cover employees’ family members. People in this type of situation might find they could fare better with a high-deductible plan purchased on the individual market.” Paul Zane Pilzer, The Wall St. Journal, Page 2, September 25, 2005
“He [Pilzer] co-founded Salt Lake City’s Extend Benefits LLC, which works with clients like Continental Airlines and AutoNation to provide individual insurance plans for their workers. In mid-October, former America Online chief Steve Case’s venture, Revolution Health Group, bought two-thirds of Extend.” Investor’s Business Daily, October 31, 2005
“For Paul Pilzer, an economist based in Salt Lake City who advised both President Reagan and the first President Bush, and author of ”The New Health Insurance Solution: How to Get Cheaper, Better Coverage Without a Traditional Employer Plan” (John Wiley & Sons), reducing the ranks of the uninsured requires putting a lid on healthcare spending-now nearly $2 trillion a year. ‘Let consumers spend their own money, and we will eliminate a lot of waste,’ notes Pilzer, who argues that patients often opt for unnecessary drugs or medical tests simply because their health plans foot the bulk of the bill.” Boston Globe, October 16, 2005
“The New Health Insurance Solution is a handbook and guide designed to help a reader get the best possible insurance plan. In a book loaded with helpful information and advice, Pilzer shows readers the ins and outs of how to find the right plan, without falling into the pit of spending too much money and not getting enough coverage.” Houston Chronicle, October 16, 2005
Feedback About The Next Millionaires
“I just had a chance of reading your book “The Next Millionaires”. Frankly speaking this one of the most breathtaking/eye opening book I have ever read in my life. Thank you so much for sharing your phenomenal views and illuminating naives like me with crystal clear pointed conclusions and wonderful database information.” A. Ghosh, Senior Principal Engineer, Shrewsbury, MA, March 1, 2006
Feedback About The Next Trillion
“In a new book, ”The Next Trillion,” Paul Zane Pilzer, the Reagan administration economist turned wellness guru, estimates that the industry is worth $200 billion in sales a year and will expand fivefold over the next seven years as baby boomers splurge on products and services that they hope will make them feel healthier, look better and slow the effects of aging.” The Sunday New York Times, Business Section, Page 1, August 31, 2003
Feedback About Unlimited Wealth
“I’m amazed at your business capacity and your ability to put it into layman’s terms.” Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart
Feedback About Other People’s Money
“The thrift crisis has now spawned a few books, most of which concentrate on the graft and sleeze factors and superficially blame “deregulation” for the crisis. Paul Pilzer’s is by far the best analysis.” The Economist, December 2, 1989
[The thrift crisis] has spawned a flock of carefully researched, well-crafted books chronicling the fiasco. Three particularly good ones are “Other People’s Money,” by Paul Zane Pilzer… Of the three books, this one is probably the best all-around treatment….” The New York Times Book Review, October 29, 1989