Social Entrepreneurship in China March 25, 2013
Dear Friend of Professor Paul Zane Pilzer (in Hong Kong, March 25, 2013)
You are cordially invited to a public lecture/forum with Professor Pilzer on Monday, March 25, 2013, 6:00pm-7:30pm. Attached is the official invitation from the University of Hong Kong.
The venue is: The University of Hong Kong, Wang Gangwu Theatre, Graduate House, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Please RSVP to both KathyE@paulzanepilzer[dot]com
Chi Chung, Wong (Dr.) 黃志淙博士 ccchoice@hku.hk
Assistant Director, General Education Unit, HKU
Kathy Earnshaw
Assistant to Professor Pilzer
Speaker Bio
Economist Paul Zane Pilzer is one of the world’s leading experts on entrepreneurship:
–Social entrepreneur who has founded 6 companies (his last one sold in 2012 for $435 million US)
–Author of 9 best-selling books published in 25 languages (including “The Fifth Wave” in China)
–Youngest MBA graduate from Wharton Business School at age 22
–Appointed professor at New York University at age 24
–Former vice president with Citibank at age 25
–Former appointed economic advisor in two U.S. White House administrations
–See Wikipedia and ZaneChina.
Speaker Topic: Social Entrepreneurship in China
1. Is Entrepreneurship for You – What it takes to start your own business upon graduation vs working for someone else.
2. The Best Entrepreneurship Opportunities Today – Why the richest people in the world yesterday were the Producers of goods and services, but why the richest people in the world today and tomorrow are the Distributors of goods and services.
3. Is Social Entrepreneurship for You – Do you want to use your education to make something more valuable than just money? How to use best business practices to improve our world, and how one social entrepreneur (doctor) has cured 2.3 million people from blindness. More info.