The New Health Insurance Solution
by Paul Zane Pilzer
ISBN 0471747157 Hardcover, 336 pages, $24.95
by Paul Zane Pilzer
ISBN 0471747157 Hardcover, 336 pages, $24.95
How to get Cheaper, Better Coverage without a Traditional Employer Plan
You no longer need a traditional employer plan to get good, affordable health insurance. The New Health Insurance Solution can help you cut your health insurance costs in half if:
- You’re self-employed, an independent contractor, or your employer doesn’t provide health insurance (you can probably get coverage on your own for about $94/month—a fraction of what an employer would have to pay for the same coverage)
- You are employed and pay extra to cover your spouse or children under your employer-sponsored plan—you may save 50% by taking them off your employer plan
- You own a small business and are getting killed by double-digit premium increases—you can now give employees tax-free money to buy their own plans and get your company out of the health insurance business
The book also explains in detail the best solutions for you if:
- You can’t find affordable health insurance because you or a child have an expensive preexisting medical problem (your state has a program to provide you with guaranteed coverage )
- You’re currently putting money into an IRA or a 401(k)—because you don’t realize that an HSA is always a better option
- You’re unsure how you or your parents will be able to afford health insurance during retirement, or how to maximize benefits from Medicare—including the new Part D prescription drug plan
The New Health Insurance Solution is the definitive guide to the new ways every American can now get affordable health care—without an employer.